Cocoon Coats — Chris Coco Media
Design + Illustration

Pattern Bliss

At Pattern Bliss blog I'll be sharing my favorite surface pattern design inspirations, trends, a sneak peek my pattern designs, my favorite shoes, and, of course, cute dog pictures. Plus you'll get a glimpse of what goes on inside my studio in my sketchbook series.

Cocoon Coats

Fashion illustration and four modern surface pattern designs by Chris Olson

Wrap me up in the warmest wool coat and I'll be a very happy girl. Brrr.... The temps are definitely dropping here. I'm thinking this is a perfect time to share some wintery pattern ideas from my sketchbook.

I live in Colorado so from October to April I live in coats. I used to be mad about black, but I think adding a pop of color in a coat is makes 10-below-zero seem almost tropical!  

Four designs in my collections featured above. If you are interested in more information about a design, just send me a note via the contact link.